Dinosaur Dreams

The cow pattern is being tested, so it’s time to design something new. My design ideas have always connected in some way with my four year old son and this time the choice is obvious. It’s all about Dinosaurs at our house right now. The tail of the ankylosaurus, the difference between a brachiosaurus and a brontasaurus, how come T-Rex is the king if he’s not the biggest dinosaur and my favourite so far “Mum, am I a small mammal?”. So the next Natty Knits pattern will be a dinosaur.

This is quite a tall order as there are already many dino patterns out there and some of them are amazing. My Best Friend Dino by Loly Fuertes is deeply cute and comes with a caveman to give it a hug. Dino the Dinosaur by Alyssa Lynough is a fabulous free pattern with lots of interesting shaping techniques. Roaring Dinosaur by Zoe Mellor is simple, effective and very cuddly. And although it’s not a dinosaur, this free Trilobite pattern by Madeleine Poirier is quite an inspiration all on its own.

As always, I’ll be trying to design something a little different, probably using short rows. I’ll let you know how I get on. [Rolls up sleeves and digs out some green worsted] Here we go.

The photo above is of a (not my) godzilla dinosaur guiltily attacking my shark . The godzilla pattern had a lot of sewing. Mine will hopefully have less.

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